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Rua Álvaro Gomes, 89, 4º Esq


Webmagazine and record label on underground house music & contemporary jazz. We're about music released by independent artists and labels.


Daily Magazine on Underground House Music, Broken Beat, Contemporary Jazz & Soulful Vibes

Filtering by Category: PLAYLIST

november '19: recap

Francisco Espregueira

Some of the best projects of 2019 came out in November. Falling like the non-stop rain of these days, newly released works from artists like Douniah & High John, Surprise Chef, Daniel Casimir & Tess Hirst, Kumail, Danvers, Sefi Zisling or Summers Sons deserve our highest praises.

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september '19: recap

Francisco Espregueira

Musicians that we’ve been writing about for years, with their immense talent and vision. Confirmations from some of the avant-garde names on today’s contemporary music - crossing a vast sort of genres. New ones that will, surely, keep surprising us. All in an eclectic 50-track selection.

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august '19: recap

Francisco Espregueira

After a two week hiatus, o sótão recaps on some of the best projects released during the month - and spirit - that ended yesterday. With no shortage of exciting music, the playlist of August contains 50 tracks focusing on artists we talked about and others that deserve a special note.

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march '19: recap

Francisco Espregueira

March is typically a month, in which, an overwhelming amount of great music is released. As the great work of independent artists and labels further spans worldwide, it is truly remarkable the amount of original, creative and groovy inputs we are constantly receiving at o sótão.

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february '19: recap

Francisco Espregueira

February was rich in anthems that we will hear far beyond this month. We composed a playlist of 50 tracks to summarize the best ingredients we were able to use on this special cocktail. Eclectic as always: jazz, electronic, hip hop and soul music from all over the world.

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january '19: recap

Francisco Espregueira

January went by like a dream with an eclectic soundtrack, suited for different parts of this month’s plot. The BPM’s changed through 50 tracks and with them the vibes flowed up and down in a frenzy way. Just like those escalators in the picture, full of people, crossing Hong Kong, a world away from here.

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