june '23: recap
Francisco Espregueira
We constructed, brick by brick, an eclectic playlist of 40 tracks that summarize the best we’ve heard. Different paces, moods and rhythms, but increasingly influenced by club music.
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Rua Álvaro Gomes, 89, 4º Esq
Webmagazine and record label on underground house music & contemporary jazz. We're about music released by independent artists and labels.
Daily Magazine on Underground House Music, Broken Beat, Contemporary Jazz & Soulful Vibes
Filtering by Category: PLAYLIST
We constructed, brick by brick, an eclectic playlist of 40 tracks that summarize the best we’ve heard. Different paces, moods and rhythms, but increasingly influenced by club music.
Read More60 for the soul. May went by supersonic in the waves of the usual eclectic features we made over this month.
Read MoreThe usual 50 tracks explore a variety of approaches to music, showcasing young promise’s magic and well-established virtuosity. Eclectic tracklist.
Read MoreMarch is typically a month, in which, an overwhelming amount of great music is released. As the great work of independent artists and labels further spans worldwide, it is truly remarkable the amount of original, creative and groovy inputs we are constantly receiving at o sótão.
Read MoreWe're hyped to present our latest playlist of 50 tracks. This compilation showcases our favorite jams from February, and it's one of the most diverse ones yet. We've got classic house music, broken beat, ambient, neo-soul, and mind-blowing contemporary beats that defy convention.
Read MoreMusic for the soul, for the routines, for the club. New discoveries from all over the place. January was a blast up in here, 8 years later still sourcing and featuring new music every week.
Read MoreForty tracks shot in the air by the end of December, deepening our appreciation for what came out during this month. We end our eighth year at this platform with 230 features published in 2022, showcasing new works from established underground artists and promising rising stars.
Read More70 tracks for the soul. November went by supersonic in the waves of the usual eclectic features we made over this month. Contemporary jazz from some of today’s greats, exciting new hip hop records, electronic bangers for the winter and, through the whole selection, true-to-the-soul creations.
Read MoreOctober's playlist contains 55 tracks, that summarize the artists we’ve showcased during this month. Blend of live music with electronic approaches, groovy basslines and infectious percussion, club moments and home meditations. Almost everything is new.
Read MoreSeptember ‘22 playlist is composed by 50 tracks summarizing many different releases and artists we’ve showcased here. The quality is very high, we’re not modest about it. Every each one of these artists have something real to tell you.
Read MoreAlthough we were out for most of August, this month was rich in new releases from some of the most exciting artists in the independent music realm. There are infinite layers of music always to be discovered. The deeper we dig the less we actually know.
Read MoreWe’ve been writing for a while about musicians like K15, Jitwam, Henry Wu or Felipe Gordon. Their new projects represent new approaches to their, already, immense talent and vision. But, as always, we are about new stuff. All in an eclectic 35-track selection.
Read MoreAn eclectic playlist of 67 tracks summarizes all those inputs coming from all over the world. Different paces, moods and rhythms. Plenty of jazz and hip hop, plenty of dancefloor bangers and deep melodies. This is the best we've heard and talked about in June 2022.
Read MoreMay 2022 breezes through the rhythms of jazz, deep house, instrumental hip hop and music from the world. There’s always that impending feeling of discovery every day that makes us move deeper into genres, movements, artists.
Read MoreThe navigation through O Sótão’s April is easier through the month’s playlist, summarizing a high-karat-gold selection of the artists and projects we’ve showcased. The usual 50 tracks explore a variety of approaches to music, showcasing young promise’s magic and well-established virtuosity.
Read MoreMarch’s playlist is larger than usual. This month was especially strong in new releases and we want to summarize the best of it in a list that you can revisit when suitable…
Read MoreFebruary’s list includes some of our all-time favorites, new names and late night discoveries. Comprised of 45 tracks, this selection is eclectic, profound and result of hours and hours of music listening and pleasure.
Read MoreJanuary was the perfect time to make a small pause to reset and rediscover inspirations. This month’s playlist is even more essential, showcasing a lot of new projects that are already charting high in the list of the best records of 2022.
Read MoreFifty tracks shot in the air by the end of December, deepening our appreciation for what came out during this month. We end our seventh year at this platform with more than 250 features published in 2021, showcasing new works from established underground artists and promising rising stars.
Read MoreThe best we've heard and wrote about during November. The month is gone but the music stayed. Masks on.
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