dan kye - small moments — o sótão

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Rua Álvaro Gomes, 89, 4º Esq


Webmagazine and record label on underground house music & contemporary jazz. We're about music released by independent artists and labels.

dan kye: small moments


Daily Magazine on Underground House Music, Broken Beat, Contemporary Jazz & Soulful Vibes

dan kye: small moments

Francisco Espregueira

Hailing from New Zealand, Jordan Rakei’s music quickly traveled around the world after his impressive Groove Curse EP debut. As a multi-instrumentalist, producer, and vocal sensation Rakei followed that release with a number of other EP’s and three celebrated studio albums released through Soul Has No Tempo and Ninja Tune. Dan Kye is his mysteriously dancefloor focused moniker, now releasing his first LP entitled Small Moments, on Bradley Zero’s Rhythm Section INTL, which is the result of new a life in London and lockdown experiments.

In late 2016 the Dan Kye project was introduced to us with the 4-tracker Joy, Ease, Lightness, also released by Rhythm Section, aimed squarely at the dancefloor but with a meditative awareness that reaches far beyond the club. Small Moments keeps that tone, seamlessly transcending across electronica, jazz and funk (Herbie Hancock collaborates in one of the tracks), with each genre being effortlessly fused with Jordan’s melancholy vocals. As Bradley Zero puts it, “the Dan Kye project is a testament to the experimental and independent ethos Jordan lives by and is a product of an artist reaching full stride but not afraid to still try something new”. This project blends energetic and uplifting elements of house and techno with the emotional push that Rakei’s voice and live textures always provokes. Available in vinyl, via Rhythm Section INTL, Small Moments is a perfect step into the Jordan Rakei landscape and idealism of dance orientated music.

Rhythm Section INTL was my entry point into dancefloor orientated music, and it was Bradley Zero who asked me whether I could head in that direction so he could play my music out in the clubs. Dan Kye has still got melodies, but the main focus is to keep it high energy.
— Jordan Rakei