May '24: Recap [Playlist, 65 tracks, 2024] — o sótão

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Rua Álvaro Gomes, 89, 4º Esq


Webmagazine and record label on underground house music & contemporary jazz. We're about music released by independent artists and labels.

may '24: recap


Daily Magazine on Underground House Music, Broken Beat, Contemporary Jazz & Soulful Vibes

may '24: recap

Francisco Espregueira

May 2024 breezes through the rhythms of jazz, deep house, instrumental hip hop and music from the world. There’s always that impending feeling of discovery every day that makes us move deeper into genres, movements, artists. The amount of great releases, each week that goes by, leaves us with a feeling that something might be missing.

To keep up on what's going on here, follow our monthly playlists on Spotify. Each month, each track enriching our shelves of music.