mildlife - automatic — o sótão

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Rua Álvaro Gomes, 89, 4º Esq


Webmagazine and record label on underground house music & contemporary jazz. We're about music released by independent artists and labels.

mildlife: automatic


Daily Magazine on Underground House Music, Broken Beat, Contemporary Jazz & Soulful Vibes

mildlife: automatic

Francisco Espregueira

Mildlife is one of those acts in which, by listening to it a single time, one is able to forever distinguish its sound trademark as unique. Mildlife sounds like Mildlife is a fair affirmation. Their latest output dropped last friday and it’s entitled Automatic, following the critically acclaimed Phase released back in 2018 - their mellifluous mix of jazz, krautrock and, perhaps more pertinently, demon grooves, was the word of mouth sensation of that year among open-minded DJs and diggers searching for the perfect beat. In Automatic, the band have made a step-change from their debut, achieving more discipline, direction and arguably more danceable grooves.

As on Phase, the Mildlife crew is unafraid to let a track luxuriate in length without ever succumbing to self-indulgence. The arrangements, tightly structured thanks to Tom Shanahan (bass) and Jim Rindfleish’s fatback drumming, allow space for others elements to add spice to the stew, topped off with Kevin McDowell’s ethereal vocals. It all sounds extremely well produced and, at the same time, live recorded. Touching sounds similar to Kraftwerk, Herbie Hancock or a 70’s progressive rock band, this album is both a departure and quintessentially Mildlife. Automatic is available in vinyl.

Mildlife are Adam Halliwell, Kevin McDowell, Jim Rindfleish and Tomas Shanahan.

The recorded songs kind of become the new reference point for playing the songs live. They both have different outcomes and we make our decisions for each based on that, but they’re symbiotic and they both influence each other. It’s usually a fairly natural flow from live to recorded back to live.
— Kevin McDowell, from Mildlife