organic pulse ensemble: transcending the sum — o sótão

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Rua Álvaro Gomes, 89, 4º Esq


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organic pulse ensemble: transcending the sum


Daily Magazine on Underground House Music, Broken Beat, Contemporary Jazz & Soulful Vibes

organic pulse ensemble: transcending the sum

Francisco Espregueira

Released in January, the self titled EP from Organic Pulse Ensemble was a sublime prelude to the debut album from this modern spiritual-jazz-infused “onesemble” - that is to say that everything is directed, composed and played by only one person. Hailing from northern Sweden, Gustav Horneij is the man behind the project, dropping Transcending The Sum, his first official album.

Rich in spirituality and heavily influenced by the magical nature of the place Gustav lives in, where days and nights have different lengths and values, Transcending The Sum represents a colorful and mystic approach to jazz formats. Although every instrument is played individually, they produce a magical effect when composed together. The individuality of each sound is not lost, but underlined by the full force of the imaginary band playing. Transcending The Sum is an excellent piece of jazz music, introducing Organic Pulse Ensemble music to the world - available on vinyl - via Urban Waves Records, a passionate label hosting exceptional artists creating from different corners of the earth.